Tag: RV Fresh Water system

  • De-Winterizing Fresh Water Supply

    De-Winterizing Fresh Water Supply

    Removing Antifreeze from Fresh Water System after Winterizing

    When putting your Recreational Vehicle back into service after winterizing, it is important to flush the fresh water system of all the Anti freeze used to winterize and protect the fresh water system from freezing, Following a few steps will assure you of a clean fresh water system.

    1. Drain the fresh water holding tank of any antifreeze that was added. During the winterizing process. Shut the fresh water tank low point drain valve.
    2. Remove the drain plug from the water heater and allow it to drain. Re-install the plug. .
    3. Put several gallons of fresh water into the fresh water holding tank. Open the low point fresh water tank drain and allow the water to drain completely. Close the low point drain valve..
    4. Refill the fresh water tank with several gallons of fresh water..
    5. Turn the fresh water pump on
    6. Open all the cold water faucets one by one and allow the water to flow for several minutes.
    7. Turn the fresh water pump off.
    8. Connect the city water inlet to the fresh water hose and turn the city water supply on.
    9. Open all the hot and cold water faucets and allow water to flow for several minutes. Flush the toilet a few times. If you have a washer machine, operate in in a warm cycle to allow anti freeze to be flushed out. Open the outdoor shower faucets if equipped.
    10. If equipped with a water heater bypass, turn the valves back to the normal position. And open all the hot water faucets, one by one allowing the air to escape. Allow all hot water faucets to flow for a few minutes.
    11. A great option at this time would be to perform the fresh water sanitation procedure outlined in the Fresh Water Sanitation article to have a clean fresh water system.
    12. It would be recommended to shut the fresh water supply off and relieve the pressure bu opening a hot water spigot. Remove the hot water heater drain plug and allow it to drain again. Re-install the plug and refill the tank.

    Your fresh water system is now ready for safe use.

  • Water System Sanitation

    Water System Sanitation

    It is not uncommon for RV owners to complain of bad water. The first sign of contaminated water systems is usually a bad taste, followed by odors emanating from the water supply. Bacteria may have built up in the water tank, especially if the water tanks supply has not been used frequently and
    not been replenished with clean water regularly. When a rig comes out of storage or is being used extensively on a city water connection, the fresh water tank and the entire water system should be sanitized before use. The following steps should be taken to disinfect the entire water system:

    1. Turn off the city water supply. Verify the water heater is turned off. Remove the water heater drain plug.
    2. Drain the fresh water tank and water heater completely.
    3. Close the fresh water valve and reinstall the water heater drain plug.
    4. Refill the fresh water tank about half way with fresh water.
    5. Mix ¼ cup of household bleach for every 15 gallons of the fresh water and water heater tanks total capacity, in a container of one or two gallons of fresh water. Pour this mixture into the fresh water tank and top off the tank with fresh water.
    6. Turn on the fresh water pump and open all the faucets, including the toilet. Allow the air to escape from the hot water supply to fill the water heater tank. This will fill the entire system with the bleach solution.
    7. Top off the water tank again with fresh water.
    8. Drive the vehicle if possible to slosh the solution, then let stand for several hours.
    9. Completely drain the entire fresh water system including the water heater.
    10. Close the fresh water tank valve and reinstall the drain plugs.
    11. To neutralize the bleach odor, mix ½ cup of baking soda with about one gallon of fresh water and pour into the fresh water tank. Refill the tank with fresh water, turn the pump on again and flush this mixture through the entire system.
    12. To drain the baking soda solution, open the fresh water tank valve and remove the water heater drain plug, then proceed to drain the entire system again. Close the fresh water tank valve and reinstall the water heater drain plug.
    13. Refill the fresh water tank with clean water, turn on the pump, then open the hot water and cold water faucets until all of the air has escaped. Turn your hot water heater back on. Now your fresh water system is disinfected and cleaner than new. If you would like a qualified professional to perform this service for you, call (850) 866-6999 or visit https://rvtrax.com.